Monday, October 24, 2011


When I was in Tunisia, I saw something really strange.
That was tow people man and woman wore formal clothes 
and there was logo of tourist company  on the them clothes.
They talked with my friend about if he liked Tunisia as best place 
to visit and something like that, after that offered for him chalet on the 
beach for one year and it costs him around $1,000, but they asked my 

friend about had to do a contract with them also needed $300 under the
account, I told my friend that was a good deal, however I was unbelievable
because it was impossible to found something like that in fact, but my friend
insisted that was real contract. When he went with them to their office and paid 
the money they gave him receipt also said to him  could be in his chalet after fife months 
after that he want there again and thought he has a nice chalet on the beach. When he arrived 
to that office someone told him that they rented the office for tow months then they moved somewhere.
Actually they were really professional to convince people to pay money for noting 


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