Wednesday, November 30, 2011

My Favorite Gift I had Received

When I was 18 years I received the biggest gift in my life.
It was a car" Nissan Maxima," I remember that day very clearly,
because that day was my high school graduation. My older brother
was surprised me when he gave me the key and he said " can you bring my laptop please."

Actually he was joked, but I did that because I thought it is  real .However, when I went
to his car I saw new car and also he wrote on it " congratulation my youngest brother."
I do not know how i can describe that feel but really I was surprised, amazed and very happy.
However, the way he gave me the gift was exiting even if the gift was other thing.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

My City

Zwara is small city in Libya. There are around 45,000 people in Zwara.

They are berber people and spoke different language that names

"Tamazight"  and also speak Arabic. And  have different

culture as well. Zwara has very good location. It is close to the sea and also

has a nice weather all year. The people are extremely friendly. Most people are

living for fishing, farming and business. Zwara is one of an important cities in Libya

because it has a border with Tunisia and has a big natural gas factory.

The Battle of Sexes

Females make me angry. When they talk about things that are not important.

and also I hate their way talking, because they talk over, beat around the

bush as well. In fact I am always have difficult understanding them. I do not

know why they use these ways to have conversation? Maybe they are trying

to show us their feminine style. If so, why they use these ways that bother

other gender? because they always need to attract males and also use that to

get along with them.  In my opinion men do things that bother women as well.

So we have to find  some ways that we can reflect this status. Even though  females

really hard to understand. However, we must be fairly with each other to make

life easily.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The most extreme thing I've done

 My favorite extreme thing is hunting. I hunted when I was 17 years old

actually hunting is really extreme because there is a lot of adventures as

drive cars very fast when we chase an animal  we also  have to be out of

 the car window  when we try to shot an animal that's why the hunting is

 extreme thing. In fact I was extremely excited before I went hunting

with my older brother I thought that's easy thing to do because just stay

in car and shot an animal but it was more difficult than that  because animals were

running faster than I thought. That thing with risk your life about just

 hunting animals through the Sahara desert   made me really amazed and

 I became hooked on this kind of sport if I can call it extreme sport.


Monday, October 24, 2011


When I was in Tunisia, I saw something really strange.
That was tow people man and woman wore formal clothes 
and there was logo of tourist company  on the them clothes.
They talked with my friend about if he liked Tunisia as best place 
to visit and something like that, after that offered for him chalet on the 
beach for one year and it costs him around $1,000, but they asked my 

friend about had to do a contract with them also needed $300 under the
account, I told my friend that was a good deal, however I was unbelievable
because it was impossible to found something like that in fact, but my friend
insisted that was real contract. When he went with them to their office and paid 
the money they gave him receipt also said to him  could be in his chalet after fife months 
after that he want there again and thought he has a nice chalet on the beach. When he arrived 
to that office someone told him that they rented the office for tow months then they moved somewhere.
Actually they were really professional to convince people to pay money for noting 


Monday, October 17, 2011

Berber people "Amazigh"

 I'm going to describe what are Amazigh or Berber people mean?

Berbers also called Amazigh means free men, they are native of north Africa

in different countries in ( Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya and Egypt)

They spoke berber language and they have been there for 5000 years,

 but there're different accents , so it depends  of people and where they

live and the name of alphabet is "Tefenagh" they're writing Berber

 as same as an English, also they have the same flag for all Berber as well it's old

one mean all Amazigh from different countries in all north Africa, also they have

same blood and genes. I'm actually really excited to talk about history of

 Berber people. I don't like to make it long it's just for you to know some

thing about Amazigh


Monday, October 3, 2011


This commercial is an Arabic coca cola TV ads. It's describe the ramdan in muslem countries

and how people help each other as same as one unit, and the location was really incredible,

the bottle of coca cola with the light was amazing, actually it was successful ads in must Arabic

 countries because it has an easy message that all people could understand it. I always remember

this ads because it was really cute commercial and common in must Arabic TV stations. I think this

commercial  could convince people to buy coca cola for many reasons.First, coca cola is a very good

product. Second, the ads was easy to understand.